Elaine Bain Family Trust ivone.sousa@ebft.pt

August 9, 2022 0 Comments

 O Arborismo tem sido uma das atividades preferidas dos jovens.  É desafiante! Exige força, equilíbrio, concentração, autocontrolo e coordenação. Aprendem a ultrapassar desafios, a alcançar o fim da meta e algumas vezes a ir para

August 3, 2022 0 Comments

EBFT was established as a charity in the UK in 2012. It was then known as Albany Children’s Trust (ACT), as the Company, Albany, were and continue to be, the sponsor. The idea

August 3, 2022 Comments Off

Elaine was born in Scotland on the 11th of February 1966. When she was six weeks old her father, Ian and mother, Hilda Jean took her to Pakistan, as Ian was working there.

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